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USS Puddleduck

USS Puddleduck-duck, USS Puddleduck, painted muslin, primitive, life saver, Dooley,muslin
#EFF03 USS Puddleduck

Dooley the Duck has always longed for the sea. Now as a retired sailor he has decided to start his own Navy. It may only be a fleet of one but it is all his! He is the commander in charge of the USS PuddleDuck, a durable and highly maneuverable vessel.

Dooley is a handsome duck measuring a stout 18". He is made from muslin that has been waxed so he can withstand the moisture of the sea. He has a long, strong, painted bill - it's a bill of character and courage. The bill has lines of time and experience (the stitches). His eyes are those of an experienced sailor (rusty jingle bells). His head bears a reminder of the glory days past, a sailor hat. To keep the USS PuddleDuck on course Dooley has a pair of extraordinary feet. They are stitched, painted and waxed.

The USS PuddleDuck (the innertube) is a fine craft made from the finest muslins and painted with the most durable of paint and waxed to a dull sheen. On its bow is painted the name, USS PUDDLEDUCK, along with a small American flag.

The USS PuddleDuck is a Soft in the Head original design by P.K. Gracia (©2006).


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